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Cardinal Sighting (Day 183)

It’s late morning, a good time for sitting on the front porch. The sun has risen high enough to be above the roof line and it’s not too hot yet. The horses are in the front pasture grazing languidly with occasional swishes of their tails to deter the bothersome flies. Koda and Leo are lounging in the grass in front of me. A slight breeze lifts the American Flag like a lazy sail and the wind chimes are barely sounding. Birds are singing all around me. According to the Merlin App, I hear mostly Pine Warblers and Northern Mockingbirds; and I spotted a cardinal earlier. Was that you, I wonder, checking up on me after six months?

Cardinal sitting in tree

The girls have gone to Orlando for Jenna’s UCF orientation and leave for England tomorrow. So it’s just me and the dogs here in the house for the next 2-1/2 weeks. To be honest, I am looking forward to having the house to myself for awhile. I can’t remember the last time I was able to watch the big TV in the family room with my surround sound system turned up!

I also enjoy my quiet peaceful morning routine of sitting on the front porch or in the big white chair in the corner of the family room with my coffee. Today, I chose the front porch, and there you were, in a flicker of bright red, as if to say “Hello, how are you?” How I wish you were here now sitting beside me on the swing rocking gently back and forth holding hands or with my arm around your shoulder and your head laying on mine! I’m sure we would be talking about all the things that need to be done around here and making to-do lists.

As I sit here alone thinking about you and the cardinal sighting earlier this morning, I realized one thing I would like to say to you is that after six months, my thoughts and memories of you are becoming less about when you were sick. Some of that trauma has faded with the passage and perspective of time. I am grateful for that! I hope this revelation gives you some comfort; and I also hope you don’t stay away too long before your next visit!

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Sep 18, 2023


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