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Jenna's Senior Prom (Day 95)

Tonight, was Jenna’s Senior Prom and she looked so beautiful in her elegant black gown! I wish you could have seen her. It was strange taking pictures earlier without you. At one point Jenna was trying so hard to get a special shot with her side train falling and catching the wind just so; but we couldn’t quite get it right. I know that you would have figured out how to get the shot she was looking for.

Jenna posing in black dress

When she got home, Jenna and Carter came into my room, and we talked about the evening. Jenna said that she was a little sad doing the pictures earlier without you there. There are so many things that seem to make each of us feel that way right now. Routines or activities that you would usually be involved with or leading don’t seem the same - especially when it’s the first time without you here.

I guess that’s part of the process as those things fade deeper into our memory with time. It doesn’t mean we forget; it just means that in future occurrences maybe we don’t feel your absence quite so intensely as we do now.


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