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Lord of the Front Porch (Day 172)

rainy morning on porch

It’s another cool, cloudy, breezy morning with a threat of rain. Perfect for sitting on the front porch with the dogs, a nice cup of coffee and some freshly baked sourdough coffee cake. The proud American flag hangs out straight and billows gently with the zephyr to kick off this Memorial Day weekend; and the wind chimes are sounding their discordant Westminster melody. The only other sounds are the myriad of bird songs, an occasional mooing of cows down the road, or the bark of the neighbor’s dogs or the bleating of one of their goats. The vehicle traffic on the dirt road fronting my domain is even light this morning.

It is so peaceful here! I love that I can sit here in the front porch swing in my PJs or just a tee shirt and boxers without fear of offense or reprisal. In an emergency, I could even pee off the front porch. In my own little way, I am the lord of this castle, and it is good to be the king (even if I do have to fetch my own coffee)!


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