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Rainy Spring Saturday (Day 103)

Rain falling on front porch

It’s a cool cloudy rainy spring Saturday - one of your favorite things. If you were here, you would be sitting on the front porch swing with a blanket watching and listening to the grass take in the nourishing moisture. It’s that time of year when things are greening up from the winter browns, and the azaleas have already made their brief vibrant appearance. How I love springtime in north Florida!

Hopefully we are done with the cold weather. It’s time for herbicide and fertilizer applications to officially launch the mowing season. I will miss having you here to help with that! It’s one of the things I loved about you - always willing to grab a shovel or hop on the mower and do the work.

Like the weather, grief too has seasons, I think. The harsh “winter” of the intense feelings of sadness and loss thaws into a “spring” season of transition and adjustment. Just as the grass begins to turn from its brown dormancy, the raw frigid sadness has begun to soften; and in its place there is a subtle warmth of reflection and memory of the good things…of which there are so many!


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