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The Hawk (Day 37)

A new hawk showed up at the farm shortly after you left us…..Was it you, I wonder?

We see red-tailed hawks here pretty frequently but this one was different - according to the Merlin App, either a Sharp-Shinned Hawk or a Coopers Hawk….Was it you checking in on us?

It showed up almost every day for several weeks and would perch on a fence post outside the big picture window. We could see it clearly from the kitchen table; and through your binoculars it was absolutely amazing….Was it you telling us that you were okay?

It was almost like it was watching us instead of the other way around. The day we held your Celebration of Life service we were driving out and it landed on a post at the arena very close to our car as though watching us leave. And then, we stopped seeing it altogether….Was it you saying Goodbye?

The likely explanation is this hawk chose our farm for a temporary migratory stopover. A brief respite before moving on to some other destination. Could it be that you chose the hawk to reveal your spirit to us and stopover for one last look at your beloved earthly domain on your journey to the next?….I think it was you!


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